Pavemetrics’ LCMS has passed the rigorous NCAT Profiler Certification

Congratulations to Pavemetrics who's Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS) has passed the rigorous National Centre of Asphalt Technology (NCAT) Profiler Certification. This scanning laser based equipment is integrated within our ROMDAS system and acts as a key module, designed as part of a complete ROMDAS Data Collection System.

The LCMS is perhaps best known for its automated crack detection and measurement. Yet due to its high resolution scans (5,600 points across 4m) and the integration of Inertial Measurement Units, it can also be used to provide an incredibly precise longitudinal profile of the road. This is a key advantage for road data collection companies as they can now eliminate the associated cost and potential downtime as a result of adding a separate roughness measurement subsystem.

Passing the NCAT certification validates Pavemetrics’ LCMS as an accurate and repeatable inertial profiler and as an acceptable alternative to older two-point profiler technology.

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